Inspired by the words of Swatantrya Veer Sawarkar, Hindu Mahila Sabha was established in early 1950's. It was rare in those days for women to gather togehter to work towards the upliftment of the community.
Like minded women determined to make true change in the world set the objectives for the organization. A commitement to success by gathering and working towards a common objective of helping the community, laid the foundation of the organization. Dedicated to working towards social, medical, educational and religious cause for the welfare of the community started with organizing the navratri mahotsav.
We organize social events which benefit the society. we know it is a moral responsibility to give it back to the society and thereby we donate to different welfare organizations and financially help children in need to secure their future.
Along with this, we felicitate people who fought against all odds and are at a place where people like us can only imagine.
With these ongoing activities we need a continuous funding and we have people who have helped us along our way. Now that we have 80 G ( 80G No. PN/CIT(EXEMPT)TECH/80G/534/2017-18/41/40-DATED 11-10-18 ) , people will be free willing to donate more and help us encourage such brave hearts and in turn help the society; which fulfills our main objective.